Title Trouble – What To Do When Your Title is Misconstrued?
An instant fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend when it aired in 2015, I espoused its glory to all of my friends – until one friend stopped me short: “That title offends me.”
I knew where she was going with this. It’s true, the phrase “crazy ex-girlfriend” has misogynistic underpinnings, BUT, as I told my friend, show creators Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosch-McKenna were aware of it, called it out, and undermined its unbecoming connotations. “She’s the crazy ex-girlfriend,” the cast sings at the lead. “That’s a sexist term!” the lead pointedly responds.
“Huh. Okay, I’ll check it out.” My friend was hooked for all 4 seasons.
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As the creator of a show called I’m Too Fat for This Show, I too have run into questions surrounding my title.
Continue Reading: https://msinthebiz.com/2019/10/07/title-trouble-what-to-do-when-your-title-is-misconstrued/