Friends With Guns is an LA TIMES CRITIC’S CHOICE!

Kate Huffman and Arianna Ortiz in Stephanie Alison Walker’s FRIENDS WITH GUNS.

Kate Huffman and Arianna Ortiz in Stephanie Alison Walker’s FRIENDS WITH GUNS.

“Director Randee Trabitz...nails down every laugh early on, then sneakily builds the tension to a level that will floor you. Ortiz and Telesmar are winning in their roles, but Huffman and Graves do the heavy lifting.” - LA Times

“The extraordinary Huffman takes Shannon from intimidated to intimidating to indelible effect… the fabulous Ortiz… a terrific Graves… the dynamic, charismatic Telesmar…Randee Trabtiz’s razor-sharp direction.” -Stage Scene LA

“Under the detailed, fast-paced direction of Randee Trabitz, the ensemble cast delivers finely etched characters of considerable, compelling emotion, who rocket to a climax without dénouement. [S]plendid, winsome Kate Huffmandelivers a hilarious tour de force.” - Paul Myrvold’s Theatre Notes

"I loved this play… Always revelatory, never boring, pushing us to think more and feel everything… the performances are absolutely spectacular." - Samantha Simmonds-Ronceros, NoHo Arts District 

"We’ll be keeping our eye out for future work by this creepily insightful playwright… this is a highly important play for our time. It almost demands an audience talkback after each performance to process what we have witnessed." - Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive

FRIENDS WITH GUNS runs at The Road Theatre Company until May 11th. Tickets available at roadtheatre.orgThe play was nominated for a Eugene ONeil Award in 2018 and is truly an exceptional script.

Kate Huffman